Hospital water & Waste Watertreatment

chlorine dioxide tablet for hospital water treatment

Two chlorine dioxide Product Meet Your Needs:

chlorine dioxide powder 

Chlorine dioxide tablets 

Chlorine dioxide application in health care & hospital facilities:

  • For prevention of legionella in hot and cold water system.

  • For air sanitation of rooms & operation theaters.

  • For operating instruments sanitation.

  • For process water treatment

  • For decontamination/disinfection of hospital flexible endoscopes

6 benefits of chlorine dioxide tablets :

  1. 99.99% high sterilization rate

  2. Easy to use

  3. Food grade

  4. Non toxic

  5. Cost effective

  6. Effective against a wide range of pathogens

Chlorine dioxide has consistently been shown to be the best molecule for eradicating the causative organism of Legionnaires’ disease (Legionella).

Chlorine dioxide is an effective disinfectant capable of killing large number of water borne pathogens & bacteria’s including legionella, E coli, cryptosporidium, Giardia and others. The ability of chlorine dioxide to kill legionella is of great importance to hospitals, considering the risk of patient contacting legionnaires disease.

Legionella, a life-threatening microbial contaminant, was detected in the hospital’s domestic hot and cold water systems. Because the contaminated water system was a source for dangerous waterborne pathogens, it posed a serious risk for a Legionella outbreak among hospital patients who already suffered from compromised immune systems. The safety of its patients is in jeopardy, surrounding a potential Legionella outbreak in the hospital.
Because of its bio-cidal characteristics, CLO2 is ideal for water hygiene applications in hospitals and healthcare facilities. It has consistently been shown to be the best molecule for eradicating the causative organism of Legionnaires’ disease.

In the UK, the Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA) has recommended chlorine dioxide as the best available technology for control of Legionella in hot and cold water systems.

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